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Children today are bombarded with messages about embracing and participating in transgender ideology. Many schools are now teaching children as young as four years old that if their parents do not believe that a person can have the body of one sex and the mind/soul of another, then their parents are wrong, hateful, backward, bigoted, and "transphobic." Schools are directly damaging parents' relationships with their children by hiding information about children's sexuality and transgender presentation from parents.

For this reason, it is imperative that children be directly taught three things, preferable before they are introduced to heretical messages about personhood:

1. God created people only as males and females.

2. Some people don't understand this, and may say that your parents, the church, and the Bible are wrong.

3. God created you a boy/girl.


Advocates Protecting Children has created this K-5 curriculum for use by children's ministry programs within faith-based organizations. Houses of worship have the privilege and responsibility of coming alongside parents to train children up in the knowledge and worship of God. Given the widespread deception of transgender ideology, which is even being codified in law and policy, houses of faith may be the last bastions of truth when it comes to understanding God's intentions for personhood.


While this curriculum is by no means an exhaustive training manual to inoculate children against false ideologies, we hope that it is a place where your children's ministry program can begin to address what is happening to children at school and in the culture, and prepare children to hold to truth.


A free PDF download of this curriculum is also available in our store.

God Created Them Male & Female: K-5th Grade Children's Ministry Curriculum

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